Automatic bidding
you'll save up
50 h/month
cost reduction
- 15 %
turnover increase
+ 30 %
Tens of hours of work for a person, a quickie for Conviu
Shh, we know, how to get to yourkey products to thetop positions on thecomparisons and don't splash out all your money at the same time.Conviu has all bidding strategies up in it's sleeve and automatically adjusts the cost per click (CPC) for each product up to 12x per day.
If your e-shop has more than 3 products, it doesn't make sense, for you to try manual bidding. It would cost you plenty of time, and it would still not be as effecient as if you'd set the rules well once and then you'd just adjust them according to the ongoing status. That's right, you need automatic bidding - and preferably the one form Conviu.
When you want to be seen in comparisons
Thanks to the connection on API Heuré and Zboží.cz automatic optimization of cash per click for individual products can take place up to 12x a day, day and night, 7 days a week. Of course you can set a maximum cost per click and automatically turn off unsuccessful items. From September 2022, products form Zboží.cz are appearing in search results on It is possible now to bid for both places, where can potential customers encounter with your products. Conviu is ready for that, you'll also see separate statistics with graphs.
Helping hand or artificial intelligence?A helping human hand, or would you prefer artificial intelligence?
Improperly set bidding strategy can become expensive. That's why we offer a helping hand, training, and external bidding management. Alternatively, you can engage the tireless artificial intelligence. Just switch to Smart Bidding mode and let the intelligent algorithm work. It evaluates more aspects in a single second than a human mind can comprehend in an hour. The algorithm determines which products to bid on and at which positions, relying on historical and current data. It assesses its efforts using the Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) indicator or optimizes based on the Percentage of Costs from Revenue (PNO).
Partners who recommend us
Example of Bidding Rule Setup
Conviu is a powerful tool, and not everyone dares to tackle it alone. Improperly set bidding strategy can become costly. That's why we offer a helping hand, training, and external bidding management. Alternatively, you can engage the tireless artificial intelligence.
Tricks of Automatic Bidding
- Setting bidding uniformly across the entire assortment or applying different strategies to various selections
- Price recalculation for clicks 7 days a week, up to 12 times a day – comparison engines fetch data every 2 hours
- Filtering bidding data according to numerous parameters and several hundred variations – for example, based on product selling price, manufacturer, category, top-seller status, margin, EAN code, ID, product popularity in the market,...
- Smart Bidding strategies driven by artificial intelligence
- Ability to set desired position, desired PNO, minimum and maximum cost per click
- Automatic removal of unprofitable products
- Bidding can be adjusted based on the day of the week or specific time of day
- Capability to use regular expressions and FQL for more complex data selections for bidding
- Daily performance statistics in CSV
- Email notifications for products that have stopped bidding, exceeded limits, or changed prices
- Report of unmatched products where bidding cannot be set
- Report of unmatched products
- Report of your cheapest or most expensive products
What volume of data has the module processed so far?
Automatic Bidding
Heureka has its API charged at a fixed price list.
Conviu does not receive any commission from this fee and is only an intermediary. If you want to use Heureka API on Conviu, you don't need to pay the full tariff (according to Heureka's price list). Conviu will only charge you for the actual number of API calls used.
If you have your own Heureka API key, you will not be charged for the Heureka API fee.
Zboží API is free.
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